More and more, I have entrepreneurs coming to me before a major competition, pitch event, or conference saying, “We only have _____ (fill in the blank with any single-digit number) minutes to present. How do we get it all in?”

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I also coach hundreds of accelerator demo days, and with each event they seem to have more presenters and less time.
But here’s the thing: Even though that window of opportunity to pitch seems so brief, when you’re onstage and talking, five minutes is a really long time. If you can’t tell your story in that much time or less, your audience will start tuning out, checking their email, and texting before you can say, “We’re gonna change the world and we’re raising a seed round.”
But how do you say the most important things in the time allotted? How do you make sure they “get it” without force-feeding them? How do you leave a lasting impression and, more importantly, get follow up meetings?
First, you have to let go. You have to ditch the pitch and be willing to tell a real story about yourself and your startup. Here are eight guidelines to get you started and explain why ditching that pitch is your only hope.
Know Before You Go
Do your homework. Who will be there? It’s hard to cater to a mixed room, but the more. . . (READ MORE)
By: Donna Abraham
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