Q: What is the best way to locate the right angel investor or venture capitalists?
—Ryan Spasic
A: Finding the right investors is really important. It’s kind of like marriage. A great spouse makes for a great life, while a bad spouse could cause a lifetime of misery or an ugly divorce.
In finding the right investor, you’re looking for a great, life-long partner and someone you can count on in good times and bad. So, chemistry is critical.

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If you check the box on chemistry, you will want to find investors that will add bench strength to the management team. That is, investors with domain expertise — either through prior investments or operational experience — or investors with access to additional sources of capital that can further fuel your growth. The best investors will be able to advise you on strategy and help with introductions to potential customers, partners or key hires.
With that in mind, how do you go about identifying and targeting potential investors? Let’s start with. . . (Read More)
Article by: Bo Yaghmaie
Published at: Entrepreneur.com